24 – Vaillante vs Leader coming soon on Ulule

We misunderstood the target audience for our game 24 by choosing the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter to present the game. It turns out that our offer, which was too complex, was sometimes confusing for our customers.

As a result, we thought it wiser to end this campaign, rethink it in a more direct and affordable way, and relaunch it on the Ulule platform. It’s done now and the campaign will start on June 30th.

Feel free to see it here: https://fr.ulule.com/24h-du-mans-vaillante-vs-leader/coming-soon/

24h Le Mans - Vaillante vs. Leader

To learn more about the game, watch this video presentation (in French – you can use automatic translation of subtitles on YouTube):

Thank you for your support.